CRT has a valve body core charge of $50.00. Over time we have sold 1000s of valve bodies, it has become very hard to find valve bodies to build for our customers. CRT no longer includes a return shipping label for return shipping unless you request one for a additional cost.
You can box up your old valve body and sent it back to CRT for full credit. Before shipping your valve body core to us, please drain all fluid from the valve body, and rap in a plastic bag, install into box and make sure the plastic neutral switch insulator does not get damaged when shipped. Make sure the box is taped up so the valve body does not poke through the box. If bought a forward manual valve body you can return a core if valve body has 4 or 6 screw top plate.
If you bought a automatic shift, reverse manual or a trans brake valve body, you must return a 6 screw top plate non lock up. (See picture )
No lock up valve bodies can be returned for a core.
Push button or cable case valve bodies must be shipped to CRT before valve body is built.
Any question please call John Cope at 219-374-0100